How to Stop Planning and Start Taking Action

Posted On May 06, 2024 |

Planners like to plan because it brings a level of comfort and helps them feel they are in control. But, the best-laid plans aren’t worth much if you’re always researching and never act. If you like to plan but hesitate to execute, your chances of reaching success are limited. Sure, you may finally reach your goal – someday – but you will get there faster if you stop planning and start doing.

I have to admit that in the past I would often research something for days and the topic would so overwhelm me that, in the end, I wouldn't take the action that I needed to get ahead. It's a common trap that many planners fall into – getting bogged down in endless research and preparation instead of actually taking the first steps towards their goals.

The fear of imperfection or the desire to have everything figured out beforehand can paralyse us and prevent us from making progress. The truth is, no plan will ever be perfect, and sometimes you just need to start somewhere, even if it's not the ideal scenario you had envisioned.

The key is to recognise when you're falling into that planning loop and consciously shift gears to focus on action instead. By breaking down big projects, setting time limits on research, and just committing to take that first small step, you can overcome the overwhelm and start seeing real results. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you practice moving from planning to doing, the more natural and empowering it will become.

5 Steps to Act on Your Plans

Getting stuck in the planning rut isn’t fun and it’s not productive. The reasons you may get stuck or procrastinate range from fear to perfectionism. If you’re ready to stop the merry-go-round of endless planning and make your dreams a reality, use these steps to move from plan to action:

  1. Look at how you spend your time: If you are in the middle of planning a project, pay attention to how long you have spent preparing it. Has it been a few hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Once you know where you are spending time, you can begin the process of switching from planning to action. Take a hard look at your schedule and identify areas where you may be overplanning or getting stuck in the research phase. Are there tasks you can delegate or streamline to free up more time for execution? Recognising your planning tendencies is the first step to breaking the cycle.
  2. Monitor what you consume: You really need to stop consuming content at some point and start doing. It's easy to get lost down Internet rabbit holes in your research and planning. You can alleviate any time-wasting by being intentional about what you’re looking for and setting a time limit on how long you will spend doing it. Set a timer and stick to it. When the timer goes off, close the tabs and move on to the next step. Consuming information is important, but at a certain point, you need to put that knowledge into practise.
  3. Accept that no plan will ever be perfect: Waiting to develop the ideal plan will leave you waiting for a very long time. Plan to the best of your abilities and then leap into implementation. Treat your plan as a roadmap to refer to, not a commandment set in stone from which you can never deviate. Perfection is the enemy of progress. Your plan doesn't have to be flawless – it just needs to be good enough to get you started. You can always adjust and refine as you go.
  4. Break big projects down into bite-sized steps: Sometimes, your plans may seem more like mountains to be scaled. That can be terrifying and might stop you from taking the next step. It's okay to take a little time and break a more extensive project into smaller steps that you can handle easily. Look at the big picture, then identify the first few actionable tasks you can tackle. Celebrate small wins along the way to build momentum and confidence.
  5. Just start: This may be the hardest step to take, but you need to at some point. When all else is done, and you have no more excuses, act. Look for what you can do in the next five minutes and do it. You will feel better, and you might feel the momentum build to take another and another. Take action and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals and reaching success! You will gain so much more confidence when you do. Don't overthink things – just take that first leap. The rest will follow.

Categories: : Motivation